How are you today?

2 min readOct 17, 2022


Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

How are you today?

After a long day of scrolling Instagram, seeing how prettier and more fashionable most people are than you.

How are you today?

After spending quite a long time comparing your achievements and career to people you saw on LinkedIn. How they’re younger and yet much more successful than you.

How are you today?

After reading Twitter’s thread and people’s tweets like it’s your daily newspaper, realizing how there are tons of people who are a lot smarter and funnier than you.

How are you today?

After daydreaming of a life you wish you could have that you saw on other people’s Tik Tok videos. “If only”, “If only”, “If only” never really left your mind since.

When you’ve been compared to all of your life, you know nothing more than to compare yourself with everyone you saw. You then remember, how your mother has always preferred you over your sister. How the old neighbours have always wished you were more vigorous, just like your sister. How strangers would always compliment how beautiful your best friends were, but never you. You were always left feeling unwanted, you were not much of a choice, as people would not even consider you at all.

So you spent your whole life trying to be better than everyone, in hope that you wouldn’t be compared to anyone ever again and would finally be the chosen one, but darling, there will always be people out there who are prettier, smarter, funnier, more successful, and better at getting their shit together than you.

Sometimes you see other people as a threat; as a competitor, so you have to be the best; the winner just to be loved and respected, and somehow, social media made it worse for you.

Social media was meant to connect people, and while it does connect people, it somehow disconnects you from yourself. It presents a filtered, and sometimes distorted view of everyone’s lives, one which you blame yourself for yours is not as perfect as theirs.

Maybe you will never free yourself from this shackle, maybe you will always think of it all as a competition, but maybe you can also start allowing yourself a little slack, looking at yourself with kinder eyes, and expecting yourself not to be the best, but rather, wanting the best for yourself ; and your well-being.

It’s okay if other people didn’t choose you, as long as you always choose yourself. Always.

